On A Mission

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Like Sand Through an Hour-glass

Yeah, I'm not really sure why I used that as the title of this entry. I guess I just feel like there's a whole lot going on within this last week or so of my time left in the States. This past weekend, my roommate Jared and I drove down and back from good old Searcy, Arkansas for our good friend's wedding. I have to admit, that was a whole lot of driving in that many days. I won't say how long it took us to get there because my mother wouldn't be very happy to hear it. ;) Overall, it was a very good weekend. I got to see some friends that I went to Harding with that I hadn't seen in quite a long time, and we got to make some more hilarious memories together. The wedding itself was a very nice and eloquent outside service with very beautiful landscaping I must say. The part that probably jerked the most tears from the crowd was when the bride's father sang a song to his daughter in the middle of the wedding... precious. Anyway, there's much more to that whole story that I won't go into because that's not what this blog is for. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then don't worry your pretty little head about it. haha. However, there was a bad side about last week in that two of my friends from home lost their grandmother on Friday night, and then also on Friday night, Jeremy's (the groom in the wedding we went to) grandmother had a heart attack and had to go to the hospital. But, it turned out to be a blessing that Jeremy's grandmother had the heart attack in the US (she lives in Canada) because apparently they wouldn't have caught her heart condition up north and she could have very well died. So, you could say that it was just all in all a very highly emotional weekend for several people that I know. On a lighter note, I'm sure that Jared would just love to tell you about the trip home and how I missed a turn and then accidentally put one of the tires in a ditch while trying to turn around. In my defense, I was still a little out of it from waking up, and it was 2 in the morning. It makes me feel better to say that. haha.

So, now I'm in the middle of my last work week here in Columbus, OH. For good? Who knows but God right now? With that comes a lot of desire to just not care about what I do this week there. I mean, I already dislike the job tremendously, but add to it that I know that I'm going to be done with it in 3 more days... well, it's hard to be motivated to say the least. I'm also getting all my stuff straight for leaving a week from today. I've still got to deposit some money (thank God for all the people that helped me get it) and get my finances lined up to be a smooth machine while I'm gone. I also have the major component of the trip, pack, this weekend. And apparently, I'm going to be taking several extra things with me on the way down. haha. Just feels like there's a lot of stuff for me to do before I go. Plus, this weekend, I've got to fit all my time with my family and friends in before I head off. I know what you're asking yourself; "What friends?" Well, don't you worry... there are some people that like me.... or maybe just my amazing cooking ability. haha.

So, with all those fun things going on with me, I feel like I hardly have had time to really focus on my reason for going down to Honduras, and what it is that I'm hoping to accomplish by being there. It's really hard not to get distracted by all the little, technical details and truly focus on the bigger picture. I can't wait to go down to that place and do whatever it is that is needed. Whether it's building houses, playing with kids, building a wall, bagging up food to hand out, staying up late to collect water that is cascading from the ceiling, or maybe fending off mud from overtaking the children's' home. Whatever it is, I cannot wait to be a part of doing it. I can't wait to look into the eyes of those children that oh so many people have fallen in love with, and see the smiles on their faces when they receive something as small as a piece of gum. I can't wait to pray with another family who has been built a new house and can finally sleep on a wooden floor instead of the ground. I can't wait to meet and work with hundreds of people from the US that come down to help this area. I can't wait to see God's hands and feet working to spread the love that Jesus demonstrated. I only hope that I will be able to keep my focus right where it needs to be for the whole time that I'm down there, and not get distracted by anything that may arise. May I always seek the will of God in every situation.


  • My dear jeff,
    I am too busy slaving away trying to learn how to save small children's lives, not not by jumping in some buring cancer unit, but for real. I will get to that post, maybe about as fast as I got that 4x4 for you...You remember that time...That was special! But yes I would like to kill you right about now b/c I am here and your about to be there!

    By Blogger Rachael, at 5/24/2006 12:27 AM  

  • And I can't wait to continue watching how Father will use the sacrificed places of your life and heart to lift Him up to a world who so very, very desperately needs to see His face and experience His love. Be bold and courageous and live above. Love, Prayers and blessings,
    ps tire in ditch at 2AM?? oh dear...

    By Blogger Kay Grose, at 5/24/2006 8:42 AM  

  • How many times must I tell you that this blog is NOT the place to write things you do not want the momma to read. Goodness brother. I suppose you put the last sappy paragraph in to cover up the fact that you are driving WAY too fast and running tires into ditches. such a smart boy! :)

    can't wait till you're here. and i love your servant heart. good blog for me to read as well, some good reminders in there for this heart and it's perspective as well.

    see you in 6 days. WOOHOO!!!!

    By Blogger Jen, at 5/24/2006 4:43 PM  

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