On A Mission

Sunday, April 30, 2006

What To Do, What To do?

Well, since it's been a few days, and I have the time, I guess I'll write a little something on here...

It's been quite the week for me I must say. No, not at work (obviously) since I honestly don't do a darn thing all day there. The majority of my week has been spent trying to decide whether or not I want to pursue a possible opportunity to serve. Now, if it were something around where I'm living now, then the decision would be easy. What made my week so difficult was that the possible opportunity is to head back down to Honduras for the summer. Which, on the surface, is quite the easy decision for anyone who has gone down there. It's basically a no brainer. What made the decision process so tough was that going back down is a pretty darn illogical move. Since I would have to quit my job (not too hard to do since I don't do anything), move my things somewhere while I'm gone, and then come back to the US with no job to go to, it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to do. And I certainly heard that opinion from more than a couple people. The thing, however, is that this would seem to be (or possibly be) something that I'm needed, and called, to do. The summer is the absolute busiest time of the year in Honduras for mission work. And with Tim and Gena being gone, a lot of the burden has fallen on good old Joe to handle a lot of the logistics and supplying. This is not an easy task. Do I think that I can even it up like Tim never left? HECK NO! But, I can certainly help to ease the strain put on Joe. Also, who else would seranade Jen and Karen in the wee hours of the night; annoying them beyond belief? Isn't that right there enough reason to go? haha.

There are several reasons why I shouldn't go down there. Why, you've probably thought of a couple of your own while reading this. And it's not that these reasons don't have merit, because they certainly do. I just choose to believe that my God has the ability to make it all work out, and I firmly believe that He will not let me fall because I choose to do His service. I've got all my nice little ducks lined up mostly. The only thing I'm really waiting on is all my finances to be set up. Now, I've been told that I've basically got nothing to worry about, and that's honestly good enough for me. However, I think that my parents would kill me if I quit my job without having the funds in my account. I don't know... something about being responsible or whatever. haha. That's a joke. But I have faith that God will provide the way if He truly wants me to get down there. And time will show that to others. As for me, I feel like I should start packing pretty soon. ;)


  • Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy for us...serenades and being annoyed, i mean what more could we ask for!! In all honesty I can't think of another soul I'd rather have down here. It's gonna be a GOOD summer!!!

    Love you brother. ME

    By Blogger Jen, at 4/30/2006 5:40 PM  

  • Yeah I agree...You should go ahead and start packing b/c God does take care of those things!!! But this does make me happy!

    By Blogger Rachael, at 4/30/2006 8:14 PM  

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