On A Mission

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


This week has been absolutely ridiculous with decisions, and I'm getting pretty darn stressed out by them. I would like to think that I'm a fairly laid back individual for the most part, and I think that most people who know me would agree with that. However, right now I'm not feeling so much on the laid back side of things. As if the decision on what to do and where to go this summer hasn't been a hard enough one, I got a nice bonus wrench thrown in today when I was presented with the high probability that I could have a new position at the company that I currently work for. Could this have come at a worse time? Like the decision to drop everything and go out of the country wasn't hard enough... now I'm presented with this option to get out of the position that I don't like and get into one that I'm good at and qualified for (starting a fitness center our company built). And not only that, but this position has a lot of potential for growth within the company. So now I"m at a point of deciding between going to Honduras and coming back and having to find work, or me staying here and going into that new position. Oh, and I forgot to mention that this position would need to be filled about the end of the month... when I had planned on flying out to go to Honduras.

So needless to say, I've got a lot on my mind now. Half of my mind is pulling me to the place where I feel I can be of most service, and the other half is pulling me toward a more secure and gratifying position to work in. So is this new position God opening a door of opportunity, or is it Satan throwing a distraction on the side of the road? Or is it neither? God is big enough to have set me up with something when I got back from Honduras, but is this Him setting something up for me now so that I have the ability to go down to Honduras later? This is one of those "bang your head on your desk" kind of times in life.

I think that I'm just mostly concerned with making the wrong choice. I know that God can turn either choice that I make to something great. However, I'd still very much welcome a massive, HUGE and very distictive sign pointing me in the right direction. If you've got the sign, please let me know... even if it's a small one.


  • Well I am glad to see that you posted a blog...OK so God could be giving you an amazing opportunity for work....or it could be a big distraction! So guess your left with a big decision! haha sorry I couldnt resist, but you know that you are in my constant prayers! I know the feeling b/c I am right in the middle of the same mess.

    By Blogger Rachael, at 5/03/2006 12:29 AM  

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