On A Mission

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Is A Month THAT Long?

So it's not so much that I forgot about writing on here as much as it is that I haven't exactly made time to do so. But, when I thought about it, I have about 7 hours a day to kill at work. So I figured why do I just do it at work? Let's just hope I don't get fired, eh? haha.

You may be wondering what has been going on since I got back from Honduras since I basically haven't written a word since then. Well, it could be summed up as not much, but let us delve deeper into what I like to call... "The Life and Times of Jeff." After a not-so-graceful exit from the land of Honduras (thankfully there was no video recording), I came back to the metropolis of Parkersburg in search of some kind of income. And after weeks of searching and searching for a lucrative source of income, I wound up in customer service at Coldwater Creek. In case you aren't aware, they are a women's clothing manufacturer. Oh yes, that's right.... I was on the phone all day with women helping them order clothes. And more than that, I even (on special occasions) had the joy of helping them choose outfits! You can go ahead and imagine that in your mind.... and chuckle. But, thankfully, I met a young lady during training whose mother is the manager of a local bank chain, and they happened to be looking for a CSR (Customer Service Rep... but it's basically a glorified name for a teller). In any event, this fortuitous friendship ended up with me getting out of helping older women match outfits and into a bank for work. Now, I would be lying if I said that this was my dream job or even a good paying one (especially in comparison to my last job). However, I do have a good time at work, enjoy the people I work with, and am gaining experience toward better work. Now you may be asking yourself "Well Jeff, didn't you go to college?" Yeah, I realize that being in debt $70,000 to gain a degree that you aren't even using seems a bit... well... stupid. What can I say? Hindsight is really 20/20, huh? Oh well, the best I can do now is just try to make the most with what I've got to work with.

Now when I moved back to the thriving hub of social society that Parkersburg is, I had to... I mean had the pleasure of... moving back into my parents' house. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel like a loser if they've graduated from college and still living with mom and dad? No one else had to do that, huh? You all got jobs right out of school did ya? Well.... GOOD FOR YOU! haha. Anyway, it was kind of necessary anyway since I was so dirt poor. But, at the beginning of this fine new year, I moved in with my church's youth minister who has also been a friend of mine for quite a while, and is interestingly enough my old roommate's cousin. Everyone follow that? Good. It's amazing how the cleanliness gene must run in families or something.... though it would seem to have skipped around in mine a little. In any event, we do what we can to have a good time... you know, American Idol get togethers at the apartment on Tuesday and Wednesday nights... and also an easy place for our "posse" to stop at since we're so close to the mall and all. And for those of you who don't know, the mall is basically the only one within a 50 mile radius. So for a lot of people, it is seriously the "hot spot" to go. How sad. Anyway, I have found what could be the coolest thing on earth... Movie On Demand. It's a FANTASTIC idea. You get to choose from a list of movies and watch them anytime you want... like you have the DVD. Crazy. Phantom of the Opera was definitely watched the other day... I mean, uhhh.... some manly movie with guns and death... yeah. But needless to say, we have good times there, and other people do as well.

That about wraps up my life as a whole up to this point since I got back. Other than that, I just sent out some good old support letters for BOTH trips I get to take to Honduras this year. One in April, as always with the Belpre team, and this year I'm helping another local church (Grand Central Church of Christ) out on their trip by teaching them how to build houses. And I know, the family's really going to be sorry when I'm in charge of building their house, right. Nice... real classy anyone who thought that. haha. Alright, this is long enough for a comeback tour. Maybe next time I'll discuss the fun times of navigating up the hill to the apartment in the snow. FYI... Civics apparently don't handle extremely well in the snow. Who knew?


  • I just want to say that though there are some of us who may have been a little worried for the families whom you were building for that you did a great job. Not only did your group come in first 1 day but 3! Now if only we knew how much that had to do with you and how much had to do with the other "main man" at your site!:)

    By Blogger Ashley, at 4/14/2007 5:00 PM  

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