On A Mission

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

You're Suppose To Watch Movies?

Ok, so I realize that I haven't exactly been the most consistent blogger as of late, but if you were living in this home, you wouldn't be either. I know what you're thinking.. "Well, Karen sure seems to be able to post them." And it's not that you're incorrect... it's just that I do so much more work than Jen and Karen do. haha. I'm just kidding. I just actually want to sleep. They choose not to. I think I've made the right decision personally. Anyway, since I've got a few minutes, I figure that I'd write a little something on this.. just to throw everyone off. I'm not going to lie though, most days are about the same as the rest since the kids have been here and they're on a schedule and all. However, we did get to do something out of the ordinary on Sunday. Terry Reeve's group did something really cool; they had about 20 adults go out to Didasko, pick up almost all the kids (some were in trouble and couldn't go), and bring them to church in the Valley of Angels. We also took our kids out to church there along with Carlos, Eduardo, and Saul (Deisy's kids). So, there were quite a many children at worship Sunday morning. But then we got to do the coolest thing in the lives of many of the kids... we took them to the mall to eat and then to see the movie "Cars" that was dubbed in Spanish. I would say that the VAST majority, if not all the kids, had never been to the mall before let alone the movies. So, they were some pretty happy campers.... mostly. You see, my little friend Francisco wasn't exactly a big fan of the movie. In fact, he started squirming about 2 minutes after the previews were FINALLY over. And then when I didn't let him run around the auditorium like a maniac, he started throwing one of his little fits. Well, since I couldn't have him disturbing everyone else, I took him outside of the auditorium thinking that he would be fine in a few minutes. Oh no my friends... no no. For about the first half or so of the movie, I had followed him at least 15 times in and out of the auditorium (he never wanted to stay in for longer than 30 seconds), carried him up and down the hallway several times, watched him run back and forth from one auditorium entrance to another across the hall, and had him just about cry on me (he was tired and hadn't really had his nap for the day). What a movie. Anyway, about halfway through the movie, Jen comes out with Marvin (who was getting restless) to go get some popcorn and stuff. So, of course Francisco wanted to go up to the counter with all the lights and food (he's 2). So we get up there, get the stuff, and Jen carries him back into the auditorium while I walked with Marvin (who's 7). And that's when I found out that there is apparently one universal truth... 2 year olds love popcorn. If you know my nephew, Ryley, he will seriously just sit and shovel popcorn in his mouth one hand after another when he's at the movies. And wouldn't you know it, Francisco was perfectly content watching the movie now that he had popcorn and pop to drink. Such a "stinker" (is this ok?) sometimes. So after that, and some going back and forth from Jen to me a few times, he finally fell asleep on me (which I don't know how that is comfortable) for the rest of the movie... which was about 15-20 minutes. And then we headed out. Now, outside of my little adventure (and it was just because it was new and he is so young), all the kids that came were totally glued to the screen. Yovani and Eduardo were literally on the edge of their seats watching the movie. Just so excited. So, that was really good that all these kids could be apart of this and that Terry's group would be willing to do it. I'm sure they won't be forgetting it for quite a while. And, considering that we only lost 3 of the Didasko kids, I'd say we ended the day on a pretty good note. haha. I'm just kidding, they didn't lose any of the kids. Just thought I'd throw that in there for shock factor... if anyone actually believed it.

Other than that little trip, we took one more. Jen and I took the 4 "older" boys (basically, we left the baby with Karen) to the airport to greet Donna when her flight came in with Sam and JT. Jen even got them prepared to say "Hola Tia Donna" when she came around that wall in the airport. Precious. The boys definitely enjoyed that trip too. And then just yesterday, Jen went and picked up Kelsey from the airport. So now we've got a four-person Belpre crew here. Well, that is until a week from today when Karen leaves... and then I leave the next week. Oh well, for now, the kids have plenty of people to be with them. So, we're gonna make the most of it. I'm sorry I don't ever post pictures on here, but I don't have a camera. Therefore, you're gonna have to go to Karen or Jen's blogs to see some.


  • yeah, what is it about popcorn??
    I'm so glad you got to take the kids out to a movie that is so exciting. Did you see my little fellow Leonel? from Didasko. Does he seem to be doing well? We all miss having you around and are looking forward to hearing more stories. Your Nephews miss you too, and ask about you often. I'm glad your having a wonderful time. See you in a few weeks. Proud to be your sista in law!Rebekah

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/20/2006 1:25 AM  

  • Hmm why do I feel like Jen and Karen are slaving away in there while you've proped your feet up. haha No I know you have been more than a blessing to them and to those precious boys! You know I am just insanely jealous that I can not be there! Keep on Jeff. Love,r

    By Blogger Rachael, at 7/20/2006 12:52 PM  

  • I'm tellin' ya...this is all Father's kindness in readying you for fatherhood someday! See, you can add this to your list of learnings..."always take enough money to buy popcorn and pop when taking a child under the age of 5 to a movie." These are important things to know in life, son. Enjoy the boys. Looking forward to seeing you soon. Love as always, Mom

    By Blogger Kay Grose, at 7/22/2006 9:39 PM  

  • Just b/c you are back in the states does not mean you can stop blogging! I know something has to be going through that head of yours!

    By Blogger Rachael, at 8/05/2006 4:58 PM  

  • You ever gonna write anything new on this thing??!! About time to hear from ya.

    We love and miss ya.

    By Blogger Jen, at 8/07/2006 11:54 PM  

  • Something NEW we scream! Something NEW!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/16/2006 6:04 PM  

  • You must have something going on worth writing about. It has been almost 4 months. Have you forgotten how to log on to this thing?

    By Blogger Melissa, at 11/13/2006 9:28 AM  

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